Working for a better tomorrow with SILENT EARTH WARRIORS

We guarantee those who rely on us the highest quality, without sacrificing care and respect for the environment. By buying from companies that, like us, comply with sustainability requirements, you make a responsible choice towards our planet and future generations: in other words, you do your part for a better tomorrow.
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Our commitment in this respect is proven by our membership of the Silent Earth Warriors, founded by Romina Bilardo of the BWB ConForma consultancy firm, a professional who has been working for years to ensure that organisations can grow their business in a sustainable way, aiming to bring together the various players in the field to achieve a virtuous common goal.

Our status as Silent Earth Warrior members was made official on 21 October 2023 at the Azienda Agricola Merotto in Farra di Soligo, in the province of Treviso, in the beautiful setting of a UNESCO World Heritage hillside area.
Being a member of the Silent Earth Warriors means:
  • demonstrate a green spirit by engaging in activities that benefit the workplace, the environment and the planet as a whole;
  • communicate the values of sustainability by fully embracing the philosophy of the circular economy and zero waste, the so-called zero impact;
  • promote green thinking, making a concrete contribution to the community and the market, offering its own virtuous example of sustainable enterprise as a model to follow;
  • actively engage in the promotion of a new and healthier vision of the relationship between us and the nature around us.
LA.MEC. meeting - Silent Earth Warriors
We would like to thank Romina Bilardo of BWB ConForma for training us on many significant topics, consolidating our knowledge of eco-sustainability issues through practical examples and interesting projects: we will work together with commitment and enthusiasm, contributing to making the world we live in healthier. In this regard, we wanted to start by providing useful information on some topics, projects and initiatives. Let’s see them.

Many organisations disclosed incorrect and misleading information about their sustainability, often purchasing green credits, while continuing with waste and pollution policies. Now this superficial environmentalism is a crime: it’s not just about cleaning up where it gets dirty, but above all about avoiding dirtying our planet.

Azienda Agricola Merotto is also a member of the Silent Earth Warriors and the social and environmental mission it carries out with us and the “Tappo di Vino” association is the collection of corks in order to recycle them to make materials for green building. The proceeds are donated to the CRO Aviano, Casa via Natale for cancer patients.

As of next year, we will have seven trees planted thanks to the association “Più Alberi” (More Trees), which, like us, is part of this large group and is responsible for identifying where to plant them and the most suitable native species. Tree planting is an indispensable initiative to combat climate change.

In agreement with all Silent Earth Warriors companies, we adopted a zero plastic policy, eliminating plastic cups, spoons and bottles from company vending machines. We use paper products and recycled materials and instead of bottles we use water bottles filled from our water dispenser.

“A cut lawn is a desert for bees”, explains Romina Bilardo. 70% of our food is produced through the work of bees, which need a place of biodiversity for pollination. The bee’s bar is a flower bed with alternating blooms that provide food for all the Apoidea. Where will we set it up? In the green area of our premises. The planting programme ensures an increased production of nectar, which the bees badly need.